Sunday, September 27, 2009

What a Week!

Last week was certainly an interesting week in all aspects...

First off, I was completely exhausted throughout the entire week. I could barely keep my eyes open when I got off of work everyday. I prayed that I wasn't in the beginning stages of getting sick... So far, I've been good. I made sure to get plenty of rest this weekend to prepare for next week.

At the beginning of the week, I found out that I'd be adding Science to my teaching regime. Last year and up until now, there was a separate teacher for Fifth Grade Science. Rather than go through all of the details, I'll just say that I'll be teaching Science from now on. I'm split about this... Half of me is really excited about developing a love for Science through teaching it, as well as a fantastic salary increase, which really comes in handy as Rhiannon and I plan our wedding. On the other hand, I'm a little nervous because I've never been the best at Science. My grades in school were always average, and I have limited experience teaching it. Hopefully, after a week or two, I'll really get into a groove and enjoy it. Above all of that, I want my students to enjoy themselves! Science is four times a week, so I will spend two days going over the material using textbooks and workbooks and the other two days conducting experiments/labs and participating in interactive games/activities on the SmartBoard. I'll keep you posted on how it all goes... Wish me luck, and pray for me!

Even before all of this occurred, I watched The Emmys on Sunday night. I must say that I enjoyed them overall, but was completely shocked at many of the winners. Rather than go through each category AGAIN, here is a rundown of my thoughts:
  • I loved Neil Patrick Harris as the host. He was very entertaining and kept the show running smoothly.
  • I'm wondering if they read my blog because the show was split into five sections, as were my entries regarding the nominees. Hmm... :-)
  • I'm happy that Grey Gardens received a lot of Emmys, but still upset that Jessica Lange beat Drew Barrymore!
  • I'm still in a state a shock that Jon Cryer (Two and a Half Men), Michael Emerson (Lost), Kristin Chenoweth (Pushing Daisies), and Cherry Jones (24) won.
  • I absolutely LOVED that Glenn Close (Damages) and Alec Baldwin (30 Rock) won two years in a row! So deserving!
  • I'm a little bummed that Family Guy didn't pull an upset and win Outstanding Comedy Series...
The new season of television shows has begun! Some of the new shows that I highly recommend are Community (NBC), Cougar Town (ABC), Glee (FOX), Modern Family (ABC), and Eastwick (ABC). If you haven't seen those shows, do yourself a favor: Set your TiVo! You'll love 'em!

Until next weekend... Have a great week!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Quick Update...

I have just a few minutes for a quick update...

Things are super busy in my life right now. Between work and school, I feel like I don't have a lot of time for other activities. (I do always seem to squeeze in one of my favorite things, TiVo!)

Work is fantastic! My students continue to grow scholastically and socially, and I continue to enjoy waking up each day and going to work. I look forward to spending the day with them, which is certainly a good thing.

School is keeping me busy outside of work. I'm reading, watching segments on the DVD from my course, and completing a few assignments a week. My first grades have been good, so I'm excited about that. (I haven't lost my touch of being a good student. HaHa!)

Tonight is one of my favorite events: The Emmy Awards! I hope to be able to blog about the winners this week after comparing them with my previous entry, where I picked who I wanted to win in each category.

Well... Dinner's ready, and The Emmys will be starting in less than hour. Goodnight!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Altering My Goals...

So... This past week has made me realize that I need to alter my goals when it comes to this blog. Originally, I wanted to write an entry everyday about various things. That was certainly logical over the summer when I wasn't working.

Now, I'm back to work. Every afternoon, I come home with papers to grade, TiVo to catch up on, and dinner to sometimes make and always eat. (After all, I'm not one to miss a meal!) By the time that I'm done with all of that, I'm too pooped to blog.

This past week added something else to my already-busy schedule... I began working towards my Masters degree. I've been accepted to Walden University, an online Graduate school, and my focus is on Elementary Reading and Literacy. So... Expect lots of blogging about the ups and downs of "attending" Graduate school online.

So far, it's been great, but pretty busy. I have lots to read and several assignments to complete each week. My first course, Teacher As Professional, is an eight-week course. After that, I'm done for the semester and will take another course in January. That way, I won't become too overwhelmed. By taking only one course a semester, it will take me four years to obtain my Masters degree. What's the rush, though... Right?

On top of ALL of that, my foot has been giving me some issues this week. It began hurting a while ago, and I ignored it, thinking that it'd go away. Well... It didn't. I went to the doctor, who requested some x. rays from the hospital. I did that on Wednesday morning and found out on Thursday that the x. rays came back negative: No breaks or fractures. While that's fantastic news, I still have no idea why my foot is still hurtin' like hell. We'll see what happens this week.

As you can see, I've had quite a busy week. This is exactly why my goals for this blog have changed. Rather than attempt to post everyday, I will blog once a week, at least. If I find the time to blog more than that, I certainly will. :-)

Monday, September 07, 2009

Take a Tour of My Classroom

As you know, I teach Fifth Grade at a private school in my hometown of Boynton Beach, Florida. I finally took pictures of my classroom to share with you, my readers.

When you enter the classroom, this is your first glimpse:

Hanging above the desks are three strings of yarn with this title: "We Are a Tee-rrific Class!"

During the first week of school, I have my students create poster board shirts that represent them. They have certain directions to follow, including what to put on each sleeve. The students present their shirts to the class on Friday, and I hang them up with clothespins for the month of September. (Thanks to Kristi, my supervising teacher from my internship, for introducing this activity to me. I pretty much stole it from her!)

To the left of the desks, you'll see various items, including cabinets, mailboxes, and trays where my students turn in their classwork. Also, notice the map of the United States and the row of Presidents on the wall. (Those were certainly fun to hang... HaHa!)

If you were to look straight ahead when you walk in, you'd be looking at the items in the next picture. There's an overhead projector, which last year's class named Neil, some bulletin boards, and other random things...

Once you begin walking into my classroom, you'll notice the amazing technology! I've been blessed to have a SmartBoard. The school only has a handful of 'em, and my classroom is one of the lucky ones to have access! In order to use a SmartBoard, it must be hooked up to a computer and a projector.

Last year, I had it hooked up to my main computer. It was really awkward to use because the students had to sit on the floor in front of it, and I didn't particularly care for that. Rhiannon stepped in and bought me a laptop for Christmas to use strictly for the SmartBoard. It works perfectly now; the students can stay in their desks when we use it. :-)

When I was in Fifth Grade, my teacher created a bulletin board that had all of our names in a crossword puzzle. I've never forgotten it, so I decided to make it a tradition for me by doing it in my own classroom.

The back part of my classroom is used for small group instruction, including the use of Eggspert, which is an interactive game where the students buzz in their answers. I use Eggspert every week when I review for a quiz from the current section of the novel that we're reading. The students LOVE it!

In the back of the classroom, I also have an amazing classroom library. Thanks to donations, gifts, and my own spending, it is well-stocked, and I feel like I have one of the best classroom libraries on campus.

Plus, I have to represent my college, Florida State University, by displaying some memorabilia! (And... If you look closely, you'll see a poster of Bette Midler with her children's book, The Saga of Baby Divine. My classroom wouldn't be complete without The Divine Miss M.!)

Every classroom needs a job chart, and mine is no exception! I use a money system in my classroom, so I "pay" my students to complete their jobs each week. The students love it! (The money system also came from Kristi... She's the best; what can I say?!)

Accelerated Reader (AR) is vital in schools today. (I didn't have it when I went to school!) Students must obtain a certain amount of points each quarter by reading novels and taking comprehension tests. This is where I keep track of my students' progress.

Finally, I'm blessed yet again to have a bathroom in my classroom. I don't have the craziness of having to send students out of the classroom to use the restroom.

I take advantage of the space by hanging up my students' acolyte robes and blazers that they wear for Chapel on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.

So... There you have it! You've just toured my Fifth Grade classroom without even coming to Boynton Beach!

I love my classroom, and I'm so proud of how it looks. I'm glad that I could show it to you all. :-)

Sunday, September 06, 2009

One Week Down...

What a fantastic first week of school/work! I really enjoyed getting to know my new students and their parents, as well as getting a sneak peek at what this year will bring.

First off, my students' parents seem to be very supportive. This is such an important aspect of a classroom, I've come to learn. I have four really helpful and great Room Parents, and I also have a handful of parents who have offered their services whenever needed. I'm just so lucky to have a group of parents who are willing to help out in any way, shape, or form. (Thank you!)

The students are also a great group. I have 17 students. Only one of them is new this year; I knew the other 16 pretty well last year. That made for an easy transition for all of us.

We had a fun and busy week that was full of introducing the routines and procedures of my classroom. I'm a very organized and anal person, so I expect things to be done in a certain way. My students learned that this week. :-)

Next week, we will delve into our curriculum and actually begin Fifth Grade. I can't wait!

With that being said, I want to state some things that I have learned from college, my internship with my fantastic supervising teacher who I am still good friends with, and from my first year of teaching that I feel are important for all teachers and aspiring teachers to know:
  • There are challenges in each classroom, which is what makes the job of teaching so rewarding. It may seem like you'll die from how hard a student is making your life, but you're truly making a difference in both of your lives by being there for him or her.
  • Your co-workers are the best support group that you'll ever have! Find another teacher on your campus that has been teaching for a long time and has seen it all. They will listen, give advice if asked, and always be there for you. (Luckily, my mentor from last year, Audrey, became one of my closest friends at work. She is still mentoring me and will hopefully continue throughout my career because she's such a great role model and friend.)
  • Don't get me wrong... Your family and friends are great support groups, as well. :-)
  • You will have days where it seems like nothing is going your way. Do not fear... Everyone in every profession has days like this. Just get through it as best as you can by praying and asking God for strength!
That's enough for now... I'm not a seasoned/veteran teacher by any means, but I have learned a lot in the past three and a half years: Two years in the College of Education with a semester of interning, substitute teaching for a semester, and my first year of teaching.

I'm eagerly anticipating the second week of school! I can't wait to start teaching and showing my students how fun and exciting learning is! :-)

Saturday, September 05, 2009

"I'm Like The Ringleader; I Call The Shots..."

On Wednesday, September 02, Rhiannon, Sarah, and I headed down to Miami to see The Circus: Starring Britney Spears for the second time this year. (We went to her show in March, as well, which is where the above advertisement is from.) I had read that she was "revamping" the show with new costumes, new dance routines, and adding a new song, "Mannequin", so we bought tickets.

Plus, the three of us just heart us some Britney Spears, so we would've gone even if it was the exact same show from March...

The show began with THREE opening acts... Kristinia DeBarge, One Call, and Jordin Sparks. After suffering through the first two, I really enjoyed Jordin Sparks. (I love "Battlefield" and "Tattoo"!) The opening acts finished up a little after 08:30 PM.

Then, a countdown clock appeared on the screens, telling us that The Circus would start in twenty-two minutes...

When the twenty-two minutes were up, The Big Apple Circus performed for what seemed like an eternity. I can only stand to watch acrobatics for so long without becoming extremely bored. (Couldn't they have performed during the twenty-two-minute period?)

Yes... They are amazing.

Yes... I could never do any of the stunts if my life depended on it.

However... I didn't come to see them; I came to see Britney Spears!

After they finished up, the show started. Perez Hilton, who I'm not a fan of at all, welcomed the audience in a video dressed as Queen Elizabeth. Enough said...

Here's the set list from Wednesday night, which is broken up into four main sections. I tried to find a picture from each section, so that you could see some of her outfits... Enjoy!

Act I: The Circus
  • Welcome to The Circus (Video Introduction)
  • "Circus"
  • "Piece of Me"
  • "Radar"
Act II: House of Fun (Anything Goes)
  • "Ooh, Ooh, Baby"/"Hot As Ice"
  • "Boys"
  • "If U Seek Amy"
  • "Me Against The Music" (Bollywood Remix)
  • "Everytime"
Act III: Freakshow/Peepshow
  • "Freakshow"
  • "Get Naked (I Got a Plan)"
  • "Breathe on Me"
Act IV: Electro Circ
  • "Do Somethin'"
  • "I'm a Slave 04 U"
  • "Toxic"
  • "...Baby, One More Time"
Encore: "Womanizer"

Now, it's time for my thoughts... Let me preface this by saying that I'm a HUGE fan of Britney Spears. I think that she's had some really rough times in the past, but I truly feel that she's on the mend. This "comeback" tour for her "comeback" album really proved that she is a gifted entertainer. (By the way, if you don't own 'Circus', you should. It's a fantastic album!)

Okay... Here we go...

My Thoughts:
  • The fact that she lip-syncs throughout the entire show, except for "Everytime", doesn't really bother me. It's because she performs so well, and there's so much to see onstage. This is truly a show and not a concert.
  • With 'Circus' being such a wonderful album, I was a bit disappointed that only the "singles" were performed: "Womanizer", "Circus", "If U Seek Amy", and "Radar". The album is full of other great tracks, including "Kill The Lights", "Shattered Glass", and "Unusual You".
  • One of the reasons that Rhiannon, Sarah, and I wanted to see the show again was to see her perform "Mannequin", another great track off of 'Circus'. For some unknown reason, it wasn't performed...
  • "Touch of My Hand" was also missing from the set list, which she did perform in March. (This didn't bother us at all because we're not fans of that song!)
  • The beginning of the show is spectacular with "Circus" and "Piece of Me" being performed back-to-back. Those are two of my favorite songs, and the performances are fantastic.
  • In my opinion, the show hits a bit of a lull during the Freakshow/Peepshow segment. Besides "Get Naked (I Got a Plan)", I don't care for the other songs... Luckily, once again, the performances are enough to keep you engaged.
  • I'm glad that she touched upon some of her older hits, like "Me Against The Music", "I'm a Slave 04 U", and "Toxic".
  • Speaking of "Me Against The Music", the Bollywood theme is fantastic!
  • "Everytime" is performed live, and she does a wonderful job. (In March, she sat on an umbrella that floated above the stage while singing this song. On Wednesday, she told the audience that some of her stage was "down", so she stood center stage and sang. It was a neat moment because there wasn't any glitz or glam; it was just her.)
All in all, it's a terrific show that I highly recommend. If she's coming to your area, get tickets. You won't be disappointed!

Friday, September 04, 2009

Upcoming Entries

Do not fear!

I have not abandoned my blog!

This week has been extremely busy... It was the first week of the 2009-2010 school year, as you know, so I have been swamped with beginning-of-the-year paperwork and such.

Besides that, Rhiannon, Sarah, and I saw Britney Spears in Miami on Wednesday night. It was a fantastic show! However, I still haven't completely recovered from the four hours of sleep that I barely got on Wednesday night. HaHa!

I'll fill you all in over the three-day Labor Day weekend. Look forward to the following entries:
  • A complete review of Britney Spears' show in Miami, including a set list.
  • A rundown of the first week of school: What went well, what didn't, etc.
  • Pictures of my classroom!
I can barely keep my eyes open, so I'm off to catch some shuteye. Goodnight!

Tuesday, September 01, 2009

The First Day of School

Today, September 01, was the first day of the 2009-2010 school year. I was super excited to start working again because I love being in front of a class full of eager students who are ready to learn and are actually excited to be there. Luckily, I have 17 students who seemed happy to be sitting in my classroom today.

The day began with an introductory Chapel service and Prayer Walk. Before the Prayer Walk started, I was responsible for hoisting the new American flag that was flown above the Capitol in Washington, D.C. and graciously donated to the school by Congressman Allen Boyd. Being that I took my class to Washington, D.C. last year, this responsibility fell to me. I recruited two former students to assist me this morning.

I was a nervous wreck of sorts... I found out recently an American flag needs to be burned if it touches the ground. This, of course, caused my uncontrollable nervousness. I could just imagine this happening while the entire school and lots of parents are standing around watching us. (Just the fact that all of those people's eyes were on me was frightening enough!)

In short, the American flag raising/hoisting went extremely well! My former students helped a ton, and I was so glad to be apart of that experience. It really meant a lot!

The Prayer Walk began after the Pledge of Allegiance. You may be asking what a Prayer Walk is... At the beginning of each school year, the entire school walks around the campus and prays for each building/center and the faculty and staff that are housed in each. It's a neat way to start the year; however, it was so incredibly hot today that I could've had a heat stroke...

After the Prayer Walk, we headed back to the Church to conclude our Chapel service. Once we got back to the classroom, I spent the day going through the routines and procedures that are used in Fifth Grade. (What can I say? I'm extremely anal and organized, and I expect my students to follow in my footsteps. HaHa!)

Rather than go through my entire day, I'll summarize and say that it went so good! My students seem fantastic, and I look forward to a wonderful year. Each year, as I'm learning, is full of challenges and obstacles to overcome. I gladly welcome these because they all help me become a better teacher.

By the way, I took pictures of my classroom this morning and will post them in a future entry. I'm just too tired to upload them from my digital camera to my computer...

I'm not lazy; I'm just exhausted! Those of you who aren't teachers may not understand how tiring this profession can be... :-)