Sunday, September 06, 2009

One Week Down...

What a fantastic first week of school/work! I really enjoyed getting to know my new students and their parents, as well as getting a sneak peek at what this year will bring.

First off, my students' parents seem to be very supportive. This is such an important aspect of a classroom, I've come to learn. I have four really helpful and great Room Parents, and I also have a handful of parents who have offered their services whenever needed. I'm just so lucky to have a group of parents who are willing to help out in any way, shape, or form. (Thank you!)

The students are also a great group. I have 17 students. Only one of them is new this year; I knew the other 16 pretty well last year. That made for an easy transition for all of us.

We had a fun and busy week that was full of introducing the routines and procedures of my classroom. I'm a very organized and anal person, so I expect things to be done in a certain way. My students learned that this week. :-)

Next week, we will delve into our curriculum and actually begin Fifth Grade. I can't wait!

With that being said, I want to state some things that I have learned from college, my internship with my fantastic supervising teacher who I am still good friends with, and from my first year of teaching that I feel are important for all teachers and aspiring teachers to know:
  • There are challenges in each classroom, which is what makes the job of teaching so rewarding. It may seem like you'll die from how hard a student is making your life, but you're truly making a difference in both of your lives by being there for him or her.
  • Your co-workers are the best support group that you'll ever have! Find another teacher on your campus that has been teaching for a long time and has seen it all. They will listen, give advice if asked, and always be there for you. (Luckily, my mentor from last year, Audrey, became one of my closest friends at work. She is still mentoring me and will hopefully continue throughout my career because she's such a great role model and friend.)
  • Don't get me wrong... Your family and friends are great support groups, as well. :-)
  • You will have days where it seems like nothing is going your way. Do not fear... Everyone in every profession has days like this. Just get through it as best as you can by praying and asking God for strength!
That's enough for now... I'm not a seasoned/veteran teacher by any means, but I have learned a lot in the past three and a half years: Two years in the College of Education with a semester of interning, substitute teaching for a semester, and my first year of teaching.

I'm eagerly anticipating the second week of school! I can't wait to start teaching and showing my students how fun and exciting learning is! :-)

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