Now, onto what I want to say.
I can't lie. I seriously contemplated getting rid of my blog altogether. I haven't posted in two weeks, I think. Plus, when I do post, it's only once a week, and the entry consists of what's going on in my busy life. That's not too exciting to read... I went from posting everyday about random things to just a quick update once a week. I didn't like that, so I thought my time in blogging had come to an end.
After thinking about it, I finally decided that I wouldn't discard my blog. I mean, after all, I promised myself and whoever reads what I have say that I would keep it going no matter what occurs in my life. I can't let work, school, and other things stop me from achieving a personal goal. I said in my very first entry that I seem to never follow through with anything...
I couldn't let this fall in that category, so here's my shot at keeping it going. Wish me luck!
I'll leave you with a picture from last week's Spirit Week at work. The day's theme was Movie Day, and the entire faculty and staff dressed as Dalmatians, complete with dog collars and special nicknames, to correlate with Becky's Cruella DeVil. We're awesome like that!

Too cute!