Saturday, August 08, 2009

Here We Go...

It's official... I'm starting a blog! I've spent a majority of the evening setting it up and getting it just the way I like. Who knew that it could take so long? Well... When you're OCD like me, everything has to be close to perfect.

A few things made me decide to start blogging...
  • I looked through my journal that I've only been keeping for a few months and noticed that most of what I've written in there can be addressed in blogs. (After all, typing is a lot quicker than writing.)
  • I saw Julie & Julia this afternoon and realized that blogging can be very therapeutic and beneficial for the blogger.
  • I love finding new and exciting things for me to try.
My ultimate goal is to keep this blog going for as long as I can. I realized while flipping through my journal that I certainly love to start things... (Journaling, going to the gym, etc.) I just never seem to follow through for a long period of time. I just up and quit for no apparent reason. I have no idea why... Perhaps, by putting all of my business in this blog, I may do a better job.

This blog, as the header says, will consist of a lot of different topics. I can't just talk about one thing; I'd go nuts. My life is full of many things that I can't wait to share with whoever decides to read what I have to say.

You may be wondering what the title of my blog means. Life's too short to be negative... It's much healthier to be positive and just "shut up and have a good time"!


  1. Here's to sticking with it! I may not be able to be your gym buddy, but I'll definitely be your blogging buddy!

  2. look at that....i'm under fantastic blogs. that's cool!

    here's to sticking with it! you're reason's for this blog are the same reason's i started mine!

    keep it going!
